Family Life
Our Mission
The Office of Family Ministry offers a range of services and resources to respond to the needs of individuals and parishes supporting couples, families, and individuals as they live out their Catholic faith.
Family Ministry Resources
FAITH Alive in the Home
Mentor Trainings
​Prepare volunteer parishioners for ministry supporting Catholic faith formation in the home .
FAITH Alive in the Home supports parish outreach to young families with various approaches
one-on-one evangelization in the home,
small group parent accompaniment
peer group connections
Trainings can be arranged for each parish's needs, or in regional areas.​​​

Family Focus in the Parish?
Resource Links :
Families at the Center of Faith Formation
Lifelong Faith Associates
Papal & USCCB Documents
Amoris Laetitia -- Pope Francis Chapter by Chapter with Video Guides ​
Putting Children and Families First
How well does your parish prioritize family life?
Find Resources to help equipping Parents to be the first teachers of faith forming disciples in their home.​
https://www.lifelongfaith.com/uploads/5/1/6/4/5164069/families_at_ center_of_faith_formation.pdf
https://www.usccb.org/putting-children-and-families-first-challeng our-church-nation- and-world
Contact Family LIfe Office for more information
Sr. Maureen Martin 314-792-7612

Couples Retreat
Joy in Spousal Love
Retreat includes
Prepared topics, schedule and detailed support
A meal and dialogue between spouses
Speaker sharing experiences of faithful married life
Spiritual enrichment with the Lord in Adoraton and Benediction​​
Young Parents Small Group:
Grace of Family Life
Parent Speaker Series
Learn and Share Age-Appropriate Toddler Activities and Approaches to Faith Formation at Home.

Work with FAITH program to invite excellent parent speakers to your parish young adults.
Strengthen faith friendships while learning proven methods of sharing Scripture and Jesus with toddlers.
Contact for information: