Our devotion to the Sacred, Merciful Heart of Jesus was formed through the prayerful relationship of a simple young woman selected by Jesus himself to receive his special message of love. Having entered the Visitation convent, in prayer on December 1673, she experienced Jesus opening his heart and telling her of his love: “My heart is so inflamed with love for human beings, and for you in particular, that it must spread that love by means of you.” Three similar revelations followed over the next two years. Again, the message focused on Jesus’ love: “Behold the heart that has so loved!
Today our world is still greatly in need of knowing the love Jesus has for us, and his desire that we respond to Him in love. His admission that he needs human love and desires to use each of us to spread his love to others is reason for awe.
As we celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on June 24th, we realize again the blessings promised to families, to each of us. Margaret Mary's visions and words she heard from Jesus have shaped this beautiful devotion. A simple family ritual to dedicate your family to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is included below; it can be used as is, or used in part, or supplemented to meet your family needs. (Other information on living this dedication can be found at https://welcomehisheart.com/home-enthronement .
Family Consecration Prayer Service
Leader: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit All: Amen.
Reader: The Lord spoke to us through the prophet Ezekiel saying, “I will give you a new heart and place a new spirit within you, taking from your bodies your stony hearts and giving you natural hearts.” (Ez 36:26
Leader: Lord, As we draw near to you, we remember our sins. We are sorry for all the times we have offended you or ignored your love. Lord, have mercy on us.
All: Christ, have mercy on us. Take away our stony hearts, Lord, and give us new hearts, clean and responsive to you.
Reader: At the Last Supper Jesus said, “This is my commandment: love one another as I love you” (Jn 15:12)
Leader: Father, make our hearts like Jesus’ heart – full of love.
All: Give us love for one another – and also for our neighbors.
Reader: St. Luke describes how the child Jesus lived with his parents in Nazareth where he “was obedient to them. . . and Jesus advanced in wisdom and age and favor before God and man.” (Lk 2:51-52)
Leader: Jesus, you asked the children to come to you. Call us to close friendship with you.
All: We are all children, Lord. Help us to honor our parents and obey them in love.
Reader: St. Paul prayed, “That Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, that you, rooted and grounded in love, may. . .know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.” (Eph 3:17-19)
Leader: We offer our whole family, including those who are not able to be here today.
All: Lord Jesus, come live in our hearts and in our home.
Increase our love and understanding of your Sacred Heart as the King of our home.
An image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is brought to a place of honor;
All pray together:
Most sweet Jesus, Divine Friend of children, receive our hearts, make them pure, holy and happy; receive also our bodies, our souls, and all our strength. We consecrate ourselves to Thee now and forever. Be Thou alone our King. All our thoughts, and our words, our actions, and our prayers, we consecrate to Thee, our Friend and our King. Bless our home and let us love and serve You here each day in joy.
Once when Saint Mechtilde (1240-1298) was grieving over the thought that her whole life had been spent in a useless manner, our Lord said to her: “In order to make amends for what you have neglected, greet my Heart!” Our divine Saviour made a similar revelation to Saint Gertrude (1256-1302): “As often as a person greets me, I will greet him, and this will redound to his honour in heaven.” Saint Clare (1194-1253) greeted the Sacred Heart of Jesus daily, and received special graces each day.
When we have committed a fault, let us make an act of contrition and greet the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This divine Heart is ever ready to repair our offences. We should especially greet the heart of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Saint Mechtilde ardently venerated the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, and in return received from our Lord so many graces that in referring to them, she said: “Were I to write down all the graces I received from the loving Heart of Jesus, I would need a book thicker than the breviary.”
Litany to the Sacred Heart (leader can read invocation, all respond) Heart of my Jesus, save me!
Heart of my Creator, perfect me!
Heart of my Saviour, deliver me!
Heart of my Spouse, love me!
Heart of my Master, teach me!
Heart of my King, crown me!
Heart of my Benefactor, enrich me!
Heart of my Pastor, keep me!
Heart of my Friend, caress me!
Heart of the Infant Jesus, attract me!
Heart of Jesus dying on the cross, atone for me!
Heart of Jesus in all Your conditions, give yourself to me!
Heart of my Brother, remain with me! Heart of incomparable goodness, forgive me!
Heart most amiable, inflame me!
Heart most glorious, shine forth in me!
Heart most charitable, work in me!
Heart most merciful, answer for me!
Heart most humble, repose in me! Heart most patient, bear with me!
Heart most faithful, make satisfaction for me!
Heart most adorable and most worthy, bless me! Heart most peaceful, calm me! Heart most desirable and
most beautiful, delight me!
Heart most illustrious and
most perfect, ennoble me! Heart most holy and
balm most precious, preserve and sanctify me!
Heart most holy and most salutary, reform me!
Heart most blessed, true physician
and remedy for all ills, Heal me! Heart of Jesus, consolation
of the afflicted, comfort me!
Heart of Jesus, ardent furnace
burning with love, consume me!
Heart of Jesus, model of perfection, enlighten me! Heart of Jesus, source of
all happiness, strengthen me!
Heart of eternal benediction, call me to You! Amen.
Children’s Daily Offering Prayer
For love of me you came to earth;
You gave your life for me.
So every day you give me now I give back happily.
Take all my laughter, all my tears,
Each thought, each word, each deed, And let them be my all-day prayer To help all those in need.